Graphene A+
AD-GO | Description |
Purity | ~ 99% |
particle size | D50: < 10µ |
Thickness | 0.8 – 2nm |
C:O RATIO | ~55:45 |
bulk density | 0.8-1g/cm3 |
Physical Form | Powder |
Colour | YELLOW - BROWN |
SURFACE AREA | ~120 m2/g |
CAS NO. | 1034343-98-0 |

Graphene oxide Applications
Improve The Properties Of Concrete
Used For Water Desalination
Used In Flexible Electronics
Chemical Sensors
Anti-barrier Coatings
Easy dispersibility in water and other organic solvents, as well as in
different matrixes. Improves Mechanical properties. Improves Barrier Properties. Improve Thermal properties. Small Quantity Can Improve
The Properties Of Paints & Coatings. Very Minute Quantity Can
Improve Properties Of Polymers.
Payment Mode
Pay online from the cart. Pay easily using net banking, debit or credit card or UPI. If you have any queries in making the payment, Contact us at [email protected]
Graphene Oxide will be packed in a tamper-proof container and also wrap in a multi-layer of packaging. In a sealed bottle. contact us for Safety Data Sheet.
Graphene Oxide order process within 2 working days of order placement. Furthermore, the Estimated delivery date will be provided on availability.
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